Saturday, September 4, 2010

Raindrops On...

Let me know what you think, enjoy!

God Bless,
Sheilla Kiwi


  1. Oh those are pretty! I have a tomato picture just like that one, that I took! I LOVE the first three and the last three the most :)

    How are you doing?
    God Bless!
    ~Lauren ( Anna )

  2. Hello! Thank you for your comment! I always forget to check my comments on that blog. I need to just put it on moderation so I can see the comments :)

    I've been busy also! We're in the process of moving.. :P

    Have you taken any cool pictures lately? I took some the other day. I just haven't taken time to download them. I probably should. My photography blog is looking pretty abandoned :)

    God Bless you!
    ~Lauren ( Anna )


Please do not use any language or anything inapropriate in your comments-Thank you! :)